
- do: approvals
    count: 2 # Number of minimum reviewers. In this case 2.
    message: 'Custom message...'
    reviewers: [ user1, user2 ] # list of github usernames required to review
    owners: true # Optional boolean. When true, the file .github/CODEOWNERS is read and owners made required reviewers
    assignees: true # Optional boolean. When true, PR assignees are made required reviewers.
    requested_reviewers: true # Optional boolean. When true, all the requested reviewer's approval is required
    message: 'Custom message...'
    changes_requested: true # If true, block all approvals when one of the reviewers gave 'changes_requested' review
    message: 'Custom message...'
    teams: ['org/team_slug'] # when the option is present, only the approvals from the team members will count
    users: ['user1', 'user2'] # when the option is present, approvals from users in this list will count
    owners: true # Optional boolean. When true, the file .github/CODEOWNER is read and only owners approval will count
    users: ['bot1', 'bot2'] # when the option is present, approvals from users in this list will NOT count


in limit options, if more than one sub option is present, the union of the results will be used.


If you receive an error for `Resource not accessible by integration’ for Owners file, it means you haven’t given mergeable read file permission


owners file now support teams as well, make sure to use @organization/team-slug format.

Supported Events:

'pull_request.*', 'pull_request_review.*'