
must_exclude can be used to validate input that excludes the given regex supported message.

- do: headRef
    regex: '^(feature|hotfix)\/.+$'
    message: |
        Your pull request doesn't adhere to the branch naming convention described <a href="some link">there</a>!k

You can also use an array of regex matchers. If any of them match, the validation will fail.

- do: headRef
      - "^bug"
      - "^breaking"
      - "^test"
    message: |
        Your pull request doesn't adhere to the branch naming convention described <a href="some link">there</a>!k
Supported Params
Param Description Required Default Message
regex Regex or array enabled message to validate input with Yes  
message Message to show if the validation fails No [INPUT NAME] does not include [REGEX]
regex_flag Regex flag to be used with regex param to validate inputs No i

Supported Validators:-

'baseRef', 'headRef', 'changeset', 'content', 'description', 'label', 'milestone', 'title'